The Partial Body Psoriasis Treatment Kit is a complete treatment for conditions such as Psoriasis, Eczema, Seborrhoea and Atopic Dermatitis on Knees & Elbows or Hands & Feet. The Partial Body Psoriasis Treatment Kit includes the following psoriasis treatment products: PsoEasy Soap Bar + PsoEasy Active Cream 100ml + PsoEasy Mild Natural Oil
With this kit you save $14.85 compared to buying all the products separately.
Milly Thomas –
Anyone with Psoriasis would know how hard and sometimes impossible it is to find a products that works for you, I have tried so many! Thank god I have to look no further 🙂 Love the treatment kit, the combination of the Soap, Active Cream & Oil work amazing together!
Anthony –
A hell of an oil!
I’ve already been applying this oil to my psoriasis skin for 1,5 month and I’ve felt a single regret about purchasing it. The oil almost completely eliminated my severe psoriasis symptoms and relieved my numerous lesions as well as skin dryness.
Ethan –
Knee & Elbow cream
2 years ago my knees and elbows were covered in scales and flakes and I was so afraid it would cause whole body psoriasis and was very embarrassed to go out in the summer period. A year ago a friend of mine recommended me to try Psoeasy cream. I did. For the first time in several years I didn’t gross looking at my knees and elbows. I recommend it to everyone afraid to go outside because of their psoriasis
Sarah Ben-Simon –
Dear Psoeasy Thank you so much! I am so happy! My friend recommended the Face Easy Pack to me and I tried it, within 1 week my skin was clear, it’s like MAGIC! I have had bad pimples and blackheads since I was 13 years old, now I am 25 and I thought this would go on forever! Finally my skin is completely clear, all my friends and family are commenting that my skin is better and I feel great!! Ps; I’m also really happy that it’s all natural which makes me feel comfortable using it everyday. The soap smells really nice and unlike the unnatural stuff that I used in the past, the toner and moisturizer makes my skin feel balanced, not too dry or oily and I feel like my skin is breathing. I can’t thank you enough!! I’m definitely going to recommend this pack! Best wishes, Sarah Ben-Simon xxx Melbourne, Australia
Erin Newman –
Treatment of atopic dermatitis
I have atopic dermatitis since early childhood. I treated it using hormonal creams, but then I abandoned them. Every year I visit the sanatorium, undergo treatment, strictly adher to the diet. Last year I treated at the Dead Sea, where I bought PsoEasy Natural Oil. Honestly, I did not expect to have any result. I liked the composition of the product, and decided to try it. I applied oil every evening to the affected areas of the skin for three weeks. Result from PsoEasy Oil is stunning – it helped to get rid of peeling, reduce redness and oozing spots. Oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin very well. I was very pleased.
Justina Butcher –
I have been using PsoEasy Cream for three weeks already. I found it by chance on the Internet; I got advice at the forum. I tried hormonal ointments, but as soon as I stop using them – everything is back, though the result is visible very quickly. Thus, I decided to try the plants-based cream, the doctor said that the result will not be quick, but I should be able to achieve stable remission. For three weeks of use I’m very happy with the result. I got rid of peeling on the 4-5th day. Now there are some spots but new do not appear, itching passed and I regulated my sleep.